Tuesday, May 18, 2004

More insurance fun

(Originally posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 by Cathy)

Here's another fun one - I had an agent I'd left a message this AM call me back and quote me a super low rate. (Lower than Amica's quote before they found out about the wiring and tank.)

I said: "...and you got in my message that there's knob and tube wiring and an underground tank?"

He said: "Underground tanks are no problem - they're really common in this area."

("Ok," I thought, "that's not super inconsistent with what some other companies have said, they're mostly having issues with the wiring.")

I said: "And the knob and tube wiring?"

He said: "What's that?"

I said: "Vintage 1920's wiring? Probably original to the house? Any problem with that?"

He said: "Umm. I'll have to call you back."

He hasn't.

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