Friday, September 1, 2006


(Originally posted on Friday, September 1, 2006 by Cathy)

Dalton weighed in at 12 lbs 11 oz yesterday, leaving him between the 75th and 90th percentiles still. He's outgrown all of his Gerber brand 3-6 mos onesies, and the small/3mo Carters brand sleepers are too short as well, although he's still got a bit of roon in the onesies. Note to anyone buying for him for Xmas: he'll need at least the 9 month size, and winter clothes in the 12 mo size wouldn't be silly. (And if it's Gerber, better add an extra 3 mos to what I just said, since they seem to run really small.)

The dregs of Ernesto have us totally drenched. I'm still waiting on laundry from two days ago to dry, which is further exacerbating the suddenly-none-of-these-baby-clothes-fit problem.

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