Saturday, June 24, 2006

Help, I can't see my toes!

(Originally posted on Saturday, June 24, 2006 by Cathy)

Help! I can't see my toes!

For that matter, my ankles have been on vacation all week, so I haven't seen much of them either.

Oh sure, if I spent half of every day on my side, I could probably get my ankles back, but lying on my side is a good recipe for napping, and how many hours a day can you nap?

(Nevermind, don't answer that.)

I can't see my stretch marks either. They're all on the southern hemisphere, and I can't see that low in our bathroom mirror without standing on the edge of the bathtub.

Standing on the edge of the bathtub isn't seeming like a good idea, considering I can't see my toes.

Therefore: no toes, no ankles, no stretch marks either.

Problem solved.

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